Monday, September 28, 2009

Olivia's First Dance Class

This is me with my teacher Mrs. Jennifer, she is showing us how to stretch just like real ballrina's

This is my cousin Adriane, we are the best in our class!!!

Mommy gets to come too and help me dance

Meet Papa Vern's new Cat.

Liv just can't get enough of the Cat. Kitty does not even care if she has the right shoes on!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Notice anything missing on Belle?

Belle lost her first tooth. The tooth fairy pays big these days, under her pillow was $5. Beats the heck out of my quarter!

Grape Stomp 5k Run

Grandma Sandy 2nd place in her age group
Madi and Morgan 2nd place in their age groups
Mommy 3rd place in my age group

Putt Putt golf -A Schaller summer tradition

Liv making up her own rules

Belle the pro!

Olivia kept asking to go down the slide, we did not know what she was talking about until we finally made it to this hole.

Belle and Friend Madi

Liv and Aunt Chel

Olivia's Big Girl Bed