Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Disney World Trip - Day 1 - Wednesday, May 12

Disclaimer: We approached this trip with a different perspective than usual. We have been to Disney multiple times and know we will be going again, so this trip was not about "how much we could get in." This trip was about Isabel's birthday and enjoying the parks as we could, at whatever pace the girls set. I think the pictures show that it worked out perfectly. -Seth

We flew out on a direct flight to Florida at 10:38 am. We were there a little early, so we got to check out the planes and how an airport operates. The girls were just excited, I think.

The flight was very uneventful. The girls were great for the duration. Isabel even sat with strangers to get the window seat (we were right behind her). We landed in sunny Orlando right on time and headed to Magical Express. We walked right on to a bus leaving for the resort and enjoyed the ride.

I received a call from Byron while on the bus. For those who may not know, I help with an online Disney station, Reedy Creek Radio, that plays music from the Parks, and Byron is the owner who, though I have been helping for several months, I had only spoken to online and via phone.

We arrived at the resort and. while I checked in, the girls spent a little time exploring.

As you can see, it met with their approval. :) I called Byron back and he said that he and his family, along with Scott and Tracey from the Disney, Indiana podcast (My favorite Disney podcast) were at Animal Kingdom for Extra Magic Hours, so we headed to AK.

We met up with Byron & his family and Scott & Tracey in front of the Tree of Life and went to Pizzafari for a bite to eat. It was a real pleasure to actually meet everyone face to face after having talked in the radio station chat room and on Twitter, etc. Dina and I had a discussion after the trip about how it was like getting together with old friends. It was a real highlight for me.

We then headed for Kilimanjaro Safaris as it was running until just after 7:00 and walked right on. It was great to be there with such a light crowd.

We got to see a lot of the animals because it was late in the day. Beats getting up early to see them all out and about before the heat of the day.

After that, we headed to Asia for Expedition Everest (which we had not ridden since our 2005 trip during a soft opening). We took turns watching the kids so we could ride it together. Byron and I waited one round so we could get the front car. Amazing view from the "broken track."

Isabel and Byron's son Dylan enjoying Animal Kingdom

The kids had a good time just playing around the area and enjoying a "Mickey cold thing" or two as Olivia called it (a Mickey Ice Cream Bar).

That pretty much covers it for day one, I'll post Day 2 soon!